Romanian Money Mkt Rates At 17.81%, In Line With Ctrl Bk Norms

Publicat: 30 10. 2008, 13:42
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:06

Overnight, two-days, weekly and monthly rates set by the main banks that fix the daily ROBID/ROBOR rates were at 14.05%-17.8% on the year.
The ten main banks that fix the daily ROBID/ROBOR rates are: The Royal Bank of Scotland, former ABN Amro, Bancpost, Banca Comercială Romana, BRD – Groupe Societe Generale, CEC, Eximbank, ING, Raiffeisen, Banca Transilvania and Unicredit Tiriac Bank.
The National Bank of Romania decided last Thursday it might temporarily suspend the publication of the inter-bank bid/offer indices ROBID/ROBOR, if ROBOR exceeds by more than 25% the Lombard rate of 14.25%. The measure came into effect Wednesday.