“The biggest problem signaled by foreign tourists traveling to Romania is the lack of toilet facilities in many areas and the deplorable state of these facilities where they do exist. We want o start a campaign Tuesday aiming to fix this problem. If we want foreign tourists in Romania, we have to start with toilets,” agency president Corina Martin told MEDIAFAX Monday.
She added the president’s of the agency’s eight regional departments have one week, as of Tuesday, to draft a list of areas or tourist circuits lacking toilet facilities.
"We’ll get to work starting tomorrow. We’ll draft a toilet top 100, that is to say of areas that lack toilets, and then we’ll talk to local authorities in the respective areas and the Ministry of Tourism to fix this issue,” Martin said.
She added Romania also has many museums whose toilets are either closed or don’t work, which upsets visiting tourists.
Agency vice-president Ciprian Popescu said the locations with the most problems regarding toilet facilities are medieval citadels.