Over 200 Employees Of Cable Mkr On Dacia Platform Went On General Strike

Publicat: 05 05. 2008, 10:42
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:53

According to deputy union leader Ion Iordache the employees’ main demand is a wage hike of a gross RON340, in two tranches: RON200 starting Jan 1 and RON140 starting Jun 1.

"The management’s latest offer was a gross RON210 in two tranches: RON170 starting Apr 1 and RON40 starting Oct 1, which employees rejected. Ninety-five percent of the company’s employees are women and also 95% are members of the Autoturisme Dacia union. Leoni was separated from the auto-assembly plant in 2000-2001,” Iordache said.

He added the cable maker employs a total 270 people, and the basic gross wage per employee is RON864. he also said the strike is legal, as 95% of the employees are union members.