The minister said the price of the monthly pass would reach the cost of three bridge crossings.
Berceanu added it is transporters who complain most about the bridge toll, because they face more inspections and have grown accustomed to breaching the weight limits on their truckloads.
„Transporters have a problem with this tax, because there they face other inspections as well. All those who transport wheat to the Constanta harbor load their trucks with more than 40 tons, and a 20-year old habit is hard to break,” Berceanu said.
In August, Berceanu said the ministry would maintain the tax on the Cernavoda bridge and would introduce inspections for road toll, tachographs, as well as a permanent scale for heavy trucks.
Drivers must pay as of August 3 a toll to cross the Fetesti-Cernavoda bridge. The toll, set depending on the type of vehicle, amounts to RON10 for cars.
Drivers pay RON7 for motorcycles, RON10 for cars and RON35 for minibuses and vehicles with a maximum weight below 12 tons.
The tax was set at RON47 for buses or vehicles with a maximum weight larger or equaling 12 tons and with minimum three axes.
Drivers have to pay RON68 for trucks with maximum total authorized weight larger or equaling 12 tons and with minimum four axes, according to the road company.
The amounts were set by order of former transport minister Ludovic Orban in February 2008 and are applied to vehicles registered in Romania or in other states, for each crossing regardless of the lane.