Pasat is also forbidden to talk to witnesses or other people investigated in the case.
The MP said he did not plan to leave the country, and added he will observe the interdictions imposed by prosecutors and will not challenge the travel ban.
National Anticorruption Department head Daniel Morar said Thursday evening on public television that investigations targeting Pasat will not be halted even if the prosecutors’ request to have the MP placed under arrest did not gather sufficient votes for approval.
„The investigation is not halted, but prosecutors cannot ask the court to issue an arrest warrant,” said Morar.
The anticorruption prosecutors’ request to have the immunity of democrat liberal MP Dan Pasat didn’t garner sufficient votes for approval from the Chamber of Deputies. MPs cast 116 votes in favor and 34 votes against Pasat’s prosecution, but 147 votes were needed to lift the lawmaker’s immunity.
Anticorruption prosecutors’ request to have Pasat placed under preventive arrest on corruption charges was forwarded to the lower chamber by the Justice Ministry on November 4, 2010.
Deputies in the committee for legal matters approved the request early February but a final decision on the matter had to be taken by the lower chamber in plenary session.