Lawyers Reject Judges Trying Appeal Of Romanian Football Mogul Gigi Becali

The court session of the appeal against the arrest of Romanian football mogul Gigi Becali and four others, accused of kidnapping, was suspended Monday, half an hour into the trial, as lawyers rejected the judges trying the case.


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Lawyers Reject Judges Trying Appeal Of Romanian Football Mogul Gigi Becali

The session was adjourned for about one hour. Lawyers rejected the panel of judges after they were denied a request to view new evidence brought in by prosecutors Monday, evidence that the court allowed.
Prosecutors brought Monday CDs with photos confiscated during searches at Becali’s properties and the court agreed to consider the new evidence in trying the appeal for the businessman’s release from custody.
Becali, who is the chairman and financer of football club Steaua Bucharest, was arrested for 29 days Friday morning along four of his bodyguards for the kidnapping of three alleged car thieves. Becali was placed into custody along Catalin Zmarandescu, Stefan Dediu, Nicolae Dumitrascu and Dumitru Beciu.
A fifth defendant in the case, Marius Petrinel Geavela, will be investigated at large and is banned from leaving the country.

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