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Romanian Premier Urges Compliance With Intl Pacts For Salary, Pension Pay

Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday evening, at Realitatea TV station, that Romania's non-compliance with its international agreements could make impossible the payment of salaries and pensions.
Romanian Premier Urges Compliance With Intl Pacts For Salary, Pension Pay
15 oct. 2009, 10:23, English

„Non-compliance with Romania’s international agreements could trigger such a risk,” Boc said, commenting upon a previous statement of president Traian Basescu.

Basescu said Wednesday that „without drawing the two tranches from the IMF and the EU in October, November and December, we (e.n. the country) could not pay salaries and pensions.”

He added that Romania currently needs a prime minister with economic experience, in connection with the banks and the international financial and economic institutions.

„Given the economic situation overlapping with the political crisis, my option remains that the major priority is a treatment against the economic crisis. The political crisis is added to the economic crisis by the parties, who acted irresponsibly,” Basescu said.

The head of state added that, in these conditions, his option for prime minister is „someone with a background in economy and with experience” in relations with banks and international economic and financial institutions.