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Timisoara Beltway, W Romania Ready By Oct ’09 – Min

Romanian Transport Minister Ludovic Orban on Saturday said the construction of Timisoara beltway, western country, will be completed by October next year.
Timisoara Beltway, W Romania Ready By Oct ’09 - Min
06 sept. 2008, 16:41, English

Orban said he approved the necessary technical-economic indices for the expansion to four lanes of the beltway.

Timisoara City has no beltways to detour heavy trucks and transiting vehicles, therefore traffic congestion cannot be easily avoided.

Initial works at Timisoara beltway started in 2002 and were supposed to last until 2004. However, the designated constructor at the time, Greece’s Efklidis, only managed to build 40% of the beltway by December 2006, when the transportation ministry decided to terminate the contract.

The authorities organized a new auction for the contract, won by Romanian company Romstrade.

The company has 20 months to finish asphalting the 12.6 kilometers of motorway.