Liberal Party Bucharest Chairman Notifies Court of Accounts on Municipality Companies’ Spending

The chairman of the Bucharest branch of Romania’s Liberal Party (PNL), Violeta Alexandru, announced on Wednesday that she notified the country's Court of Accounts regarding spending made by Bucharest Town Hall municipality companies after their establishment was nullified in court.


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Liberal Party Bucharest Chairman Notifies Court of Accounts on Municipality Companies’ Spending

The PNL Bucharest chairman wants the institution to verify the legality of spending registered by 18 companies, which received an operating budget even after the courts decided to annul the city hall decision establishing them.

On June 26, the Bucharest General Council narrowly voted to pass the municipality companies’ budgets, totaling approximately RON1 billion. The Bucharest Court of Appeal previously nullified the decision which established the companies in 2017, as the latter was adopted with a simple majority instead of a necessary two-thirds majority for asset management decisions.

Opposition party USR, which filed the lawsuit against the decision, also announced in June that judges rejected the City Hall’s request to revise the decision.

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