Liberal Party Decides Its European Election Candidates List

The Liberal Party’s (PNL) National Political Bureau validated on Thursday the group’s list of candidates for the upcoming European Parliament election, with twelve eligible candidates approved.


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Liberal Party Decides Its European Election Candidates List

The list will be opened by TV host Rares Bogdan, who confirmed his nomination for MEDIAFAX earlier in the day. Bogdan is a member of PNL Sector 1, but does not have any prior parliament or government experience.

However, party chairman Ludovic Orban, who negotiated the TV host’s candidacy, said that Bogdan has the profile of a “fighter against abuses” and the “power system instated by the PSD-ALDE majority”, and expressed his belief that he will adequately promote the country’s interests.

The second spot on the list was assigned to Mircea Hava, who has been the mayor of Alba Iulia since 1996, with the next three spots given in order to current MEPs Siegfried Muresan, Daniel Buda and Adina Valean.

Former party co-chairman Vasile Blaga was assigned the sixth spot on the list, followed by former MP Dan Motreanu and the current mayor of Arad, Gheorghe Falca.

The last four eligible spots were given to current MEPs Cristian Busoi and Marian-Jean Marinescu, executive bureau deputy chairman Vlad Nistor and, lastly, current MEP Mihai Turcanu.

Political sources told MEDIAFAX on Thursday that the party is expecting to win 10 MEP seats and between 25 and 30% of the vote at the May 26 European Parliament elections.

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