Liberal Party Lower Chamber Leader: Not Enough Votes for No-Confidence Motion Currently

The leader of the Liberal Party’s group in Romania’s Lower Chamber, Raluca Turcan, acknowledged on Wednesday that the opposition does not have enough votes to pass a no-confidence motion filed against the government, and appealed for ruling coalition MPs to support it in next week’s vote.


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Liberal Party Lower Chamber Leader: Not Enough Votes for No-Confidence Motion Currently

“Today’s motion follows the popular motion which Romanians gave in the overwhelming vote at the referendum and the European Parliament elections. We want to be as realistic as possible and say that the parliamentary math is the same as after the 2016 elections. Four parliamentary groups: PNL, USR, PMP and UDMR took upon themselves to transform the result of the vote into parliamentary action (…) It is very important for individuals currently in PSD and ALDE and colleagues from Pro Romania or unaffiliated to understand this crucial moment,” Turcan said on Wednesday.

Turcan added that four unaffiliated MPs also signed the motion, and appealed for ruling coalition MPs to disregard “those who keep power confiscated in the two parties” and support the motion.

Opposition parties filed the no-confidence motion on Wednesday, criticizing the government for its previous judicial bills and for the poor organization of the May 26 EU elections and referendum. The motion will be debated and voted next Tuesday.

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