Over 600 Firms In C. Romanian City Requested Activity Suspension In April

Publicat: 30 04. 2009, 18:05
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:19

The Brasov Trade Registry was crowded every day, mostly by small entrepreneurs wishing to suspend their activity for three years.

According to data of the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC), Brasov County ranks second, after Bucharest, based on the number of requests for suspension between April 1 and 27, with 261 requests.

However, the number of requests increased dramatically this week, so that since the beginning of the month until Thursday 600 requests had been submitted, according to Brasov Trade Registry director Rodica Irinel Pasculet. After the request is submitted, the suspension decision is approved by the Brasov Public Finance General Department within six days.

“It is not worth it to keep the firm active, I would rather suspend activity. What is the point in paying EUR500 tax for nothing, when my firm does not even carry out any trade activity,” the representative of a Brasov firm said.

The total number of temporary suspension and dissolution requests submitted at Trade Registries all over the country between April 1 and 27 is over three times that of 2008, some 5,763 requests, most from companies in real estate and trade.

A minimum annual tax, set according to the company’s income, is to be enforced as of May 1. The tax ranges between 2,200 lei (EUR1=RON4.1835) and RON43,000.