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Fuel Excise Hike, Not Excluded By Fin Min To Boost Budget Revenues

Romania's Government might hike fuel excises in 2009 to increase the budget revenues, finance minister Gheorghe Pogea said Wednesday.
Fuel Excise Hike, Not Excluded By Fin Min To Boost Budget Revenues
18 mart. 2009, 14:22, English

“If we need to increase budget revenues, an adjustment could come from this sector,” Pogea answered a question on the subject in a conference organized by Romanian business daily Ziarul Financiar, in partnership with consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Earlier the day, Pogea said that Romania’s budget deficit would be properly adjusted if the country has a negative economic growth in 2009.

Official sources told MEDIAFAX on Tuesday that the Romanian government is currently negotiating with the IMF and the EC a budget deficit of around 4% of the GDP for 2009, above the target of 2% of the GDP set in the budget, due to a downward revision of budget revenues.