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Romania 1Q Net Investment -29% YY To RON9.4B

Romanian net investments fell 29.1% to 9.37 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.191) in the first quarter compared with the year-earlier period, due to slow activity in all sectors, the country’s statistics institute INS said Wednesday.
Romania 1Q Net Investment -29% YY To RON9.4B
02 iun. 2010, 10:02, English

Investments in machinery and equipment, including transport vehicles, decreased by 30.6% on the year to RON4.33 billion in the first quarter, while new construction works were down 28.9% to RON4.32 billion, INS data showed.

Other investments fell 30.5% on the year to RON7.2 million.

Broken down by economic branches, net investments in commerce and services amounted to 34.5% of total investment in the first quarter, followed by investments in industry (36.4%), constructions (17.7%) and agriculture (9.9%).

Net investments in other branches of the Romanian economy stood at 1.5% of the overall investment in the first quarter.

The INS data include financial results from around 21,000 economic and social operators with 50 or more staff. The maximum admitted margin of error is plus/minus 3%.