Lower Chamber To Appoint New Standing Bureau Secretary, Quaestor

Minorities MP Dragos Gabriel Zisopol will be appointed secretary of the Lower Chamber’s standing bureau, following the former secretary's resignation from the ruling party; the bureau will also appoint a new chamber quaestor, political sources told MEDIAFAX on Monday.


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Lower Chamber To Appoint New Standing Bureau Secretary, Quaestor

Previous standing bureau secretary Georgian Pop announced last week that he resigned from the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) in order to join Pro Romania, a group led by former Romanian PM Victor Ponta.

The bureau will also appoint PSD MP Catalin Radulescu as chamber questor.

The social democrats will maintain their current parliamentary group leaders in the new session, Daniel Suciu (Lower Chamber) and Serban Nicolae (Senate).

The standing bureaus of each chamber of the Romanian Parliament met on Monday to begin the first parliamentary session of 2019.


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