Evidence also shows that both suspects, the man and the woman, cut off the victims’ legs.
Local Prosecutors’ Office spokeswoman Mihaela Pop said Sunday afternoon that current evidence shows the 65 year-old man whose hacked body was found Saturday morning in the trunk of a car outside a student dorm, was killed by the male suspect, who stabbed him 50 times over a misunderstanding over money.
Pop said the female suspect claims she did not kill the man, that her boyfriend did it, and evidence so far confirms her story.
"Because of arguments between the victim and the man regarding a sum of money the victim was to pay for the girl’s sexual favors, the man stabbed the victim several times in the chest are. The coroner’s preliminary report indicates the victim had about 50 stab wounds and bruises on the chest and in the heart are,” Pop said.
She added the two suspects cut the man’s legs after he died, put them in a bag, and took the body into the victim’s car, planning to set the car on fire and get rid of the body.
The 20 year-old woman, Carmen Bejan, a sophomore with the Timisoara Medicine and Pharmacy University, also told prosecutors the young man threatened her and forced her to take part in the murder.
"They hacked the victim together. From what they’re saying, they each cut off one leg, wrapped the victim in luggage and plastic bags they bought together earlier, and put the body in the victim’s own car, which they planned to set ablaze,” Pop said.
She added the two tried to blame each other during the hearings. The man had contacted the victim though personal adds in the newspaper and offered the girl’s sexual favors for EUR500. The girl told prosecutors she did not have intercourse with the victim, as the man came into the room, found them naked and attacked the victim. The girl also said this was not the first time she had sex for money, but it was the first time she met the victim.
The two suspects are still being hear and Pop said they would soon be taken to court to be placed in custody for 30 days.
The man is charged with murder and the young woman is charged with accessory to murder. If found guilty, the two could get ten to twenty years in prison.