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Romanian Interior Minister Replaces Gendarmerie Chief

Romania’s interim interior minister, Mihai Fifor, announced on Monday that the decided to replace the current chief of the Romanian Gendarmerie, Ionut Sindile, with the chief of the local Craiova Gendarmerie, Gen. Constantin Florea.
Romanian Interior Minister Replaces Gendarmerie Chief
Ionut Preda
05 aug. 2019, 19:02, English

In a press statement, the interior minister said that he requested immediate measures from the new Gendarmerie chief, including an analysis of the institution and measures to make its activity more efficient.

The new chief, 53-year old Constantin Florea, has three decades of experience within Romanian Gendarmerie structures and, according to the minister, is one of the few generals currently in its ranks.

The move comes days before a major rally is expected to take place in Bucharest, marking one year since the Gendarmerie and protesters had violent clashes during an anti-government protest, on August 10, 2018, which left hundreds in need of medical attention.

Sindile, who was the Romanian Gendarmerie’s deputy at the time, was indicted for complicity to abuse of office and abusive behavior, together with former chief Sebastian Cucos and Bucharest Gendarmerie chief Laurentiu Cazan. The case was recently taken over by Romania’s main anti-organized crime agency DIICOT, but has yet to have been sent to court almost one year after the events.

The interim minister also announced that he decided to replace ministry spokeswoman Monica Dajbog with current Romanian Police spokesman Georgian Dragan.