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Klaus Iohannis has signed the law that provides for higher fines for false calls to 112 number

President Klaus Iohannis, on Tuesday, has signed into law the provisions which increase the penalties for false or abusive calls to the unique emergency number. Thus, the fines reach 4.000 lei, and if the deed is repeated to 8.000 lei.
Klaus Iohannis has signed the law that provides for higher fines for false calls to 112 number

The law that increases the penalties for the abusive calling of emergency number 112 has been signed on Tuesday by president Klaus Iohannis.

The normative act provides for a fine of up to 4.000 lei for a false call to 112 emergency number.

“False alert of specialized intervention agencies, with a fine from 2.000 lei to 4.000 lei or the provision of 200 hours to 400 hours of activities for the benefit of the community. Committing the contravention again within one year from the application of the sanction shall be sanctioned with a fine from 4.000 lei to 8.000 lei or with the provision of 400 hours to 800 hours of activities for the benefit of the community”, is shown in the text of the project signed into law by the president.

Also, the abusive call of the unique number of emergencies can be sanctioned with a fine between 1.000 and 2.000 lei or with up to 200 hours of work for the community benefit.

If the deed is repeated within one month, the maximum sanction can reach 4.000 lei or 400 hours of work for the benefit of the community.