Romania’s Population Decreased By 1,891 People In June 2010
In June 2010, Romania reported 18,743 alive newborns, 2,667 less than in May. The country also reported 20,634 deceased in June, 623 less than in May.
The negative natural growth, namely, the surplus of deceased compared to the surplus of newborns, triggered a decrease in population by 1,891 people in June, while in May this year, the country’s population decreased by 5,181 people.
Romania registered 6,033 marriages in June, 4,975 less compared to May, and courts ruled 3,093 divorces, 164 less than in May.
Compared to June 2009, the number of alive newborns was lower by 151 in June this year and the number of deceased was higher by 1,369. In June 2010, population numbers decreased by 1,891 people, while in June 2009 the decrease was of 371 people.