Magyar Democratic Union Backs Partnership With Romanian Democrat Liberals In Next Govt

The parliamentary groups of the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania back further negotiations to form a governing coalition, offering their support for a partnership with the Democrat Liberal Party, party head Marko Bela said Saturday.


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Magyar Democratic Union Backs Partnership With Romanian Democrat Liberals In Next Govt

“We would prefer a coalition formed of the Democrat Liberal Party, the National Liberal Party and the Magyar Democratic Union, but we can think of other ways if this isn't possible. Anyway, we will try to cooperate with the Democrat Liberal Party to form an adequate coalition,” Marko told a press conference.

He mentioned decentralization, education and healthcare reforms, the “enlargement of minorities’ rights” and agriculture as priorities of the Magyar Democratic Union.

"The next Government will have to find solutions to the agriculture issue and the problems farmers have,” Marko said.

"Romania needs a stable, majority government, to deal with the challenges of the economic crisis and to be able to continue the reform. The Magyar Democratic Union is offering its contribution to solve these problems,” Marko said.

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