Government Adopts Decree Mandating ID for PrePay Cards Purchases

Publicat: 27 08. 2019, 19:38
Actualizat: 28 08. 2019, 14:28

The decree also increases fines for reporting fake emergencies at the national emergency number up to five times.

Starting with next year, PrePay cards can only be purchased with a valid ID, while current PrePay card users will have eight months to report the ID or lose their service.

Government spokesman Nelu Barbu, who announced the measure, said that the measure will “improve the localization” of persons who call the emergency number. The ID data of PrePay card users will be made available to the National Unique System for Emergency Calls.

The margin of fines for fake or prank calls at the number has also been increased from RON500-1500 to a minimum of RON1,000 and up RON5,000.