Former Interim Anticorruption Chief Points To Recording As Reason For Relinquishing The Office
In a statement posted on the agency’s website, the former chief prosecutor said that her activity during her six-month term revolved around solving internal problems at the agency and ensuring its activity could take place under good circumstances.
“Even from the first day of my interim term, I highlighted the fact the DNA does not have goals, but rather a competency stated by the law which it must accomplish, of fighting high-level corruption through means set by the criminal law. Moreso, I considered that while there is still corruption in Romania, DNA prosecutors must have the possibility, both legally and in fact, to handle cases correctly, professionally and without being intimidated (…)” said Jurma.
The prosecutor added, however, that she did not condone the manner in which some of her fellow prosecutors chose to express profession-related discontent, by using what she described as “hidden, illegal and non-deontological methods, unworthy of a magistrate”.
Jurma referred to the December leaking of a private conversation she had with prosecutor Florentina Mirica, which she said was made without her approval and was presented in a distorted manner.
“Recent events, including the use in an unjust purpose and the denaturation of the scope of a private discussion in which I was looking for legal and correct solutions for a better conduct of the agency’s activity, led me to the conclusion that I do not have the necessary conditions to continue fulfilling this office according to the vision and objectives I proposed for myself when I accepted it,” the prosecutor concluded.
The interim chief’s term expired on Monday, when prosecutor announced that she will be relinquishing the office.
The announcement came just as the country’s top judicial watchdog CSM was debating whether to extend her term, as the agency continues to lack a full-time chief nearly six months after former chief Laura Codruta Kovesi was dismissed.
“During the meeting, the section received a declaration from Mrs. Jurma through which she relinquishes her previously granted consent. In this case, the Section could do nothing else but take note of her will, to withdraw her consent,” the minister announced after the CSM meeting.
Toader confirmed that this means another person will be appointed to lead the agency in the near future, with CSM’s Prosecutors’ Section to hold a new meeting next Thursday.
Jurma was appointed by Romania’s general prosecutor as the agency’s interim chief in July 2018, shortly after Kovesi was dismissed by President Klaus Iohannis following a Constitutional Court ruling.
In the meantime, the minister nominated Constanta prosecutor Adina Florea for the office, but the proposal was rejected by President Klaus Iohannis for not complying with legal provisions. However, Toader sent her nomination again at the end of 2018, and the head of state announced last week that the proposal is currently being analyzed.