Major Romanian Cannabis Dealer Arrested

A Bucharest citizen, considered the largest cannabis dealer, was arrested under charges of producing and selling on the Romanian black market over 150 kilograms of cannabis and byproducts, thus obtaining an approximate profit of EUR150,000, the Romanian Police said Thursday.


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Major Romanian Cannabis Dealer Arrested


Narcotics officers and prosecutors unfolded a two-month investigation to "probe the activity of Bucharest citizen D.A., 33, with a criminal record containing drug charges," who was growing and distributing cannabis and byproducts of cannabis.

During searches performed late last month in the man’s two homes, investigators found a cannabis crop and a processing lab, as well as approximately 19 kilograms of cannabis, green vegetal mass, grown in the backyard of a house in Ilfov county, over a surface of 150 square meters.

Investigations revealed that the suspect delivered large quantities of cannabis to other dealers, who later sold them to consumers. In addition, in the past two years, the suspect allegedly grew, processed and delivered to the Romanian market over 150 de kilograms of cannabis and byproducts, obtaining a profit of approximately EUR150,000.

According to police, one kilogram of cannabis was sold for EUR1,200 and one kilogram of hashish went for EUR2,000.

The suspect had prior drug convictions, namely a four-year prison sentence on drug trafficking charges, as in 2002 he was found to hold over one kilogram of hallucinogenic mushrooms brought in from Mexico and over one kilogram of hashish.

The man was arrested and brought before the judges of the Bucharest Court, who issued a 29-day preventive arrest warrant in his name.

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