Major Transports Federation Urges Romanian Transporters To Stop Activity On Thursday Morning

The Federation of Romanian Transports Operators (FORT) urged all Romanian transports operators to stop their activity on Thursday, between 08.00 and 13.00 local time, in solidarity with a protests in Brussels against the EU’s Mobility Package.


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Major Transports Federation Urges Romanian Transporters To Stop Activity On Thursday Morning

This come after another major transports federation, UNTRR, urged all Romanian road transporters to join the protest in Brussels, scheduled to take place on Thursday in front of the European Parliament.

The protest coincides with a vote in the EU’s Transport and Tourism Commission (TRAN) on three key proposals of the Mobility Package 1, which modifies EU-wide directives regarding transports operators.

The proposals voted on Thursday include new regulations regarding the maximum driving time and mandatory rest time for drivers, applies new conditions for access to the road haulage market and would extend provisions of the 1996 directive regarding rules for posted workers – employees sent out to carry out temporary services in other EU member states - to transport operators.

The protest is authorized for 600 participants and 10 trucks, with operators from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland confirming their presence.


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