Romanian Parliament Resumes No-Confidence Vote Meeting

Publicat: 23 12. 2010, 11:59
Actualizat: 07 11. 2012, 11:20

Political groups in Parliament decided to resume the meeting and put the no-confidence motion to the vote, after debates were interrupted earlier when a man jumped from the balcony of the plenary meeting room injuring himself seriously.

As Prime Minister Emil Boc was getting ready to deliver a speech on the unitary wage law over which the opposition submitted a motion of no-confidence that was to be debated and put to the vote Thursday, a man, wearing a T-shirt that read „You’ve killed our future”, shouted at the prime minister from one of the room’s balconies. „Boc, you’ve taken away children’s rights!” he said and jumped from the balcony, breaking a desk in his fall and injuring himself badly.

Sources with the public television said the man is Adrian Sobaru, 40, electrician with the public television. The sources said Sobaru was upset with the Government’s austerity measures, which reduced some of the financial rights he was entitled to for one of his children, who is autistic.

Romania’s center-right coalition Government faces a second vote of no-confidence called by the opposition this week over the unitary wage law for the public sector. The motion needs 236 votes to pass and overthrow the Government.

The Government on Monday survived a no-confidence vote in Parliament by a margin of 46 votes. This was the third time this year when the opposition tried to topple the Cabinet.