Romanian Ministries Take RON1.5B Foreign Loans In 1H For Invest
In January-March period, most of the loans were contracted by the Transport Ministry, respectively RON617 million, out of an annual total of RON1.6 billion, according to an analysis drawn up by the Finance Ministry and obtained by MEDIAFAX.
For the second quarter, the authorities scheduled foreign loans totaling RON759.4 million, out of which RON349 million will be contracted by the Transport Ministry and RON147 million by the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing.
Out of the non-reimbursable post-EU accession foreign funds, the Romanian ministries took RON98.2 million, only 1.3% of the annual program worth RON7.5 billion. The authorities planned to attract funds worth of RON1.2 billion in the second quarter, or 17.3% of the annual program.
The revenues from the economy totaled RON935.5 million in the first quarter, representing 21.7% of the annual program worth RON4.3 billion, while another RON354.3 million worth of revenues are scheduled for the second quarter.
The funds from the investments of the state-owned companies and other investment transfers totaled RON1.8 billion in January-March period, representing 28.3% of the annual program worth RON6.2 billion.
Official sources told MEDIAFAX end-April that the ministries will borrow this year RON4.1 billion from foreign sources for investment projects, most of the funds being accessed by the Transport, Environment and Regional Development Ministries.
Out of the total sum scheduled for 2009, the Transport Ministry will contract RON1.6 billion loans, followed by the Environment Ministry, with RON608 million worth of loans, while the Development Ministry will take RON586 million loans.