Special Pensions In Romania To Be Drastically Slashed As Of June 1 – Draft Decree

Publicat: 11 05. 2010, 21:19
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:56

Special pensions will be calculated based on a pension point of 622.9 lei (EUR1=RON4.1756), compared with the current RON732.8, and the 90% quota, which represents the solidarity tax and revenue to the state budget, will be applied after deducting, from the pension partially paid from the state budget, the social health contribution and the income tax, according to the draft.

The same solidarity tax will be applied to special pensions entirely paid from the state budget.

This calculation method will be applied for all special pensions paid to magistrates, court auxiliary staff, the diplomatic and consular staff, deputies and senators, civil aeronautic staff and the members of the Court of Accounts.