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Debate On Romanian Liberal Motion On Education To Be Resumed Next Week

The Standing Office of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies decided that the debate on the Liberal Party’s motion on education to be resumed next Wednesday in plenary session.
Debate On Romanian Liberal Motion On Education To Be Resumed Next Week
08 apr. 2009, 16:02, English

Chamber secretary Dumitru Pardau stated that next Wednesday’s meeting will resume discussions on the Liberal motion from the point where the leaders of parliament groups asked the Regulations Commission whether the procedure was being followed.

Debates on the motion were interrupted two weeks ago, on the grounds that liberal deputy Alina Gorghiu had not read the initial text of the motion, but an amended text. Chamber speaker Roberta Anastase asked the Regulations Commission if this was correct as regards procedure.

The commission reckoned that if the signatories of the first motion want it to be discussed in the Chamber plenary, they should restart the procedure according to the Regulations and submit, in plenary, a new motion with that text. The commission decided that, since the liberal deputy read a different text in plenary, this means that the signatories have foregone the initial text.

The Liberal Party (PNL) asks the Standing Office of the Chamber of Deputies not to block debates on their motion on education, liberal deputy Alina Gorghiu said Wednesday, criticizing the commission’s decision that PNL should restart the submission procedure, and describing it as marked by the “syndrome of political incorrectness.”