Marcel Ciolacu, undecided on voting in Parliament for prolonging the state of emergency
PSD president Marcel Ciolacu has posted on Facebook on Tuesday a video criticizing the decree to extend the state of emergency, arguing it „does not take into account any of the PSD’s demands”.
„The Government did not come up with concrete solutions for population testing and did not present a concrete action plan for restarting the economy and for agriculture. It is obvious that this Government is not interested in transparency and wants to use this state of emergency to continue to behave autocratically. It’s not an easy decision at all. We are facing a dilemma in which we must weigh very carefully all the consequences that can occur at the citizen’s level”, says Marcel Ciolacu.
He adds that „on the one hand we have a Government that has mocks the additional prerogatives it has in the emergency, forced the citizens to close in houses without doing anything clear to support the economy and to limit the transmission of the virus” and on the other hand for the health and safety of the citizens.
„To vote against prolonging the state of emergency practically means lifting the restrictions imposed by military ordinances. There is a real risk that lifting restrictions especially during Easter will speed up the transmission of coronavirus to the population, and this can lead to more severe cases and unfortunately to more deaths. It is a huge risk that we cannot ignore. PSD still argues that people’s health and safety are the most important, but we do not even have a minimum guarantee from the Government that they will test massively and that they will keep things under control”, says Marcel Ciolacu.
The PSD leader argues that social-democratic parliamentarians are in a position to choose between the two possible variants, „both almost as bad”.
„Two possible variants: to vote to keep the world at home because the Government does not test and continue the economic downturn or to reject the decree and to face other medical problems”, says the PSD leader.
As president of the Chamber of Deputies, Ciolacu announces that Parliament can no longer wait after the government and next week the parliamentarians will also return to work physically.