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Lukoil Romania Cuts Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.05 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania, a unit of Russian oil company Lukoil Holdings, cut Friday diesel oil pump prices by 0.05 lei (EUR1=RON3.5555) per liter and kept gasoline pump prices unchanged, the company said in a press statement.
Lukoil Romania Cuts Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.05 Per Liter
05 sept. 2008, 12:31, English

Thus, one liter of diesel oil Euro Diesel will cost RON4.11, while the price of Super Euro Diesel will be RON4.40 per liter.

Early this week, Lukoil cut diesel oil pump prices by up to RON0.09, and Wednesday, it hiked the price of COR 95 Premium gasoline by RON0.05 at RON3.94 per liter and cut the price of gasoline COR 95 Euroluk and Super Euroluk by RON0.02 and RON0.06 per liter.

One liter of Super Euroluk gasoline costs RON4.2 and Euroluk gasoline costs RON3.86 per liter.

Romania’s largest oil company Petrom SA (SNP.RO) also cut Thursday diesel oil pump prices by RON0.05 per liter, after Monday, it cut gasoline pump prices by RON0.04.

Early this year, diesel oil pump prices exceeded gasoline prices, mainly due to the 5.6% excise hike as of January 1 and to the record oil prices registered on international markets.