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Mass testing of Bucharest residents starts on Monday

Mass testing of Bucharest residents will begin on Monday. The Capital City Hall will purchase 4.000 tests and the six districts will purchase 1.000 tests each.
Mass testing of Bucharest residents starts on Monday

According to the representatives of Bucharest’s City Hall, the mass testing of Bucharest residents begins on Monday. For this, the City Hall will purchase 4.000 tests and the districts’ city halls each 1.000.

The manager of the „Matei Balş” Institute, Adrian Streinu-Cercel, announced on Thursday evening at a meeting held at the City Hall testing a sample of 10.514 people in Bucharest for the infection with the new coronavirus.

Dr. Adrian Streinu-Cercel also informed that the population of the Capital will be divided into age categories as follows: 0-19 years, 20-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-79 years and over 80 years.

The manager of the “Matei Balş” Institute in the Capital, Adrian Streinu-Cercel, explained why the mass testing is necessary: “Because 80% of the people who are infected with COVID-19 have light and medium forms, which sometimes does not make them aware and thus it also infects those around them, who can take severe forms”.

The doctor gave assurances that the test teams will not enter people’s homes, they will be called in front of the buildings through the association heads. The results will be obtained in 15-20 minutes and will be transmitted by SMS to the respective persons.

If a person is tested positive, all the people living on that block scale will be quarantined and tested. In the meantime, the block stairs will be disinfected.