Romania Ranked Seventh Among States Prepared For Internet Applications Of Tomorrow

Publicat: 20 10. 2010, 14:30
Actualizat: 09 11. 2012, 18:06

The first six states ready to implement internet applications for tomorrow are South Korea, Japan, Latvia, Sweden, Bulgaria and Finland. Lithuania is ranked eight and is followed by the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Germany, Portugal, Denmark and Iceland, according to a research conducted by Said Business School within Oxford University (UK), which assesses the quality of broadband connections in 72 states and 239 cities.

The research shows capital Bucharest is ranked 16 among 38 states regarding broadband connections that allow them to become „smart and connected.”

Japan is leader regarding the number of cities with the highest broadband quality in the world. Nagoya, Yokohama, Osaka, Riga, Tokyo, Uppsala, Malmo, Hamburg and Goteborg are among the first ten cities regarding broadband quality.

Networking company Cisco Romania general manager Cristian Popescu told a news conference that the research reasserts the fact that there is a connection between being leader regarding broadband quality and economies based upon innovation.

The research also shows that mobile broadband quality has improved significantly and 10% of mobile broadband users already enjoy significant quality experiences compared to those with fixed-line broadband.

Sweden, Denmark and the United States are leaders regarding mobile broadband connections, and Romania comes in 16th position.

The latest data released by Romania’s national communications authority ANCOM show that the number of fixed-line broadband connections reached 2.8 million at the end of 2009, up 12.4% compared to 2008.

According to ANCOM, the number of mobile broadband connections increased by about 65%, to 2.5 million in December 2009 from 1.5 million at the end of 2008.