Romania Seaside Hotel Rates Kept Unchanged In ‘09 – Hotel Owners

Publicat: 18 03. 2009, 18:35
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:15

“Booking a room at a three-star hotel in Mamaia during peak season in the summer costs 200 lei (EUR1-RON4.2939), breakfast inclusive,” president of the Mamaia Employers’ Association, Nicolae Bucovala, said at a tourism symposium Wednesday.
Bucovala said tour packages sold in the first two months were up 7% on the year, boosted by the introduction of the “Early Booking” discount program. The program offers discounts of up to 30% per tour package.
Bucovala said the program might be extended after the 31 March deadline as well, based on a decision of hotel owners and travel agencies.
In addition, hotel tariffs could be decreased further by lowering VAT for full tour packages.