Microsoft Romania Names New BMO Manager

Microsoft Romania, the local unit of U.S. software producer Microsoft, named Michal Golebiewski in the position of business, marketing and operations (BMO) manager, starting with September 1.


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Microsoft Romania Names New BMO Manager

Golebiewski will replace Dan Bulucea, who resigned at the end of March, the company said Tuesday.

The selection for finding a new BMO lead was completed a few months after Bulucea's withdrawal.

"BMO lead is a key position at Microsoft. We are certain we made the right choice and, in the same time, we are pleased that Michal chose Microsoft Romania," said Calin Tatomir, the general manager of Microsoft Romania.

Golebiewski has been working at Microsoft for 14 years, occupying several positions in the marketing, communication and operation departments.

Before taking the position in Romania, he was Business Planning and Operations Officer at the company's subsidiary in Poland.

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