Romania Avg Monthly Wage To Reach RON3,430 In 2015 – Fin Min

Publicat: 25 08. 2009, 15:17
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:27

Speaking in a meeting with trade union representatives, Pogea said the coming single and unitary wage law will translate into a weight of government wages of some 6% of the gross domestic product by 2015, compared to 9.4% of the GDP in 2009.

“Four years ago, wages in the public sector amounted to some 5.5%-5.7% (of the GDP). The evolution over the past four years regarding personnel numbers, salary increases and bonuses led to a weight of 9.4% of the GDP, namely RON46 billion lei,” Pogea said.

“These wages must be correlated with the productivity and the salaries in the private sector, as after all, the latter provides the required economic support and it generates resources in the public sector.”

Government officials said earlier Tuesday that the minimum gross wage in the public sector will increase to RON705 a month next year. By 2015, the minimum gross wage will reach RON1,100 a month.