Military Members In 14 Countries, Including Romania, Become U.S. Citizens

Thirty military members from 14 countries, including Romania, took the oath of citizenship and officially became U.S. citizens in a ceremony at the Pritzker Military Library in Chicago.


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Military Members In 14 Countries, Including Romania, Become U.S. Citizens

"I was honored to participate in an event like this," said General McDew director of public affairs, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, cited by the U.S. Air Force website.
"Iwitnessed 30 true American heroes make a choice to become American citizens,” he added.
Since the beginning of the war on terror in September 2001, more than 39,000 members of the armed forces have become naturalized citizens through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. 
The 14 countries represented were Haiti, Philippines, Mexico, Uzbekistan, Poland, Ethiopia, Guyana, Trinidad Tobago, Guatemala, People’s Republic of China, Romania, Russia, Ecuador and South Korea.

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