Military Prosecutors Investigate Arges Gendarmes for Detaining Anti-Government Protesters

Military prosecutors from the Bucharest Court initiated legal proceedings on Monday in the case of gendarmes who detained anti-government protesters in Topoloveni, Arges county, last week, during a visit of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea, judicial sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Military Prosecutors Investigate Arges Gendarmes for Detaining Anti-Government Protesters

According to Arges Gendarmerie representatives, ten individuals were detained in the town’s center and escorted to the local police headquarters, last Friday.

Opposition party PMP and 41 civic groups requested the resignation of Interior Minister Carmen Dan over the incident.

Liviu Dragnea visited the Arges county town on Friday afternoon to take part at an event organized by the Topoloveni Town Hall at the local community center.

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