Romanian Subway Co Metrorex Opens Two New Stations On Mainline 4

Publicat: 01 07. 2011, 11:40
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 21:17

Prime Minister Emil Boc and Transport Minister Anca Boagiu were present at the opening of the two subway stations whose construction cost EUR72.5 million, VAT not included.

According to Boc, the Government will continue investments to build new subway sections and works will start this year.

The Jiului and Parc Bazilescu stations are 2.62 kilometers long. Mainline 4 had until today four stations, namely Gara de Nord 2, Basarab 2, Grivita and 1 Mai.

Bucharest’s 68.6-km subway network has four mainlines and 51 stations. This spring, Metrorex awarded contracts to construct a new mainline, which is to be opened to traffic in 2014.