Romania To Assign Extra Vouchers For 2010 Clunkers Program – PM
People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Tuesday evening Romania will assign extra funds for the 2010 clunkers program, as the vouchers initially assigned for this year’s edition have been depleted in less than a month.
„This year’s clunkers program will get extra funds. The decision has already been made, but the amount has yet to be established and will most likely be made public tomorrow (Wednesday, e.n.),” the sources said.
They said the decision to increase funds was made after this year’s edition of the clunkers program has rejoiced a „huge success.”
The Environment Fund Administration (AFM) on Tuesday said it has depleted all 50,000 vouchers targeting individuals willing to have cars older than ten years scrapped under the clunkers program.
Over 20,200 old cars have been scrapped since February 18 when Romania set off its 2010 clunkers program, accounting for some two thirds of the overall number of cars scrapped in 2009.
Romania’s 2010 clunkers program set off on February 18, after the Government relaunched the campaign for the scrapping of old cars. The new and improved program sets one owner can scrap multiple cars and receive multiple vouchers.
The scrapping bonus was kept at 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.1007) and the government has recently said it plans to scrap 50,000 up to 60,000 old cars.