About 90% Of Romanian Taxpayers Pay Dues On Time – Fiscal Agency

Publicat: 30 10. 2008, 11:58
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:06

Chitoiu said 8-10% of taxpayers currently evade taxes, particularly in sectors where taxes are a large part of the merchandize value, such as excisable products.

The fiscal agency president said he has tried to introduce the Spanish fiscal administration model in Romania, as Spain is the third country in the world in terms of tax collection, with 98% of taxpayers taking care of their dues on time.

A persistent issue, despite improved tax collection, is VAT reimbursement, for which delays have even reached two months in some districts of capital city Bucharest.

On the other hand, Chitoiu said that along improvements in taxpayer behavior, the fiscal agency also focused on transparency in check-ups.

“I’ve tried to eliminate check-ups performed on command and abuse. I haven’t quite achieved that, as I still have information of such cases occurring,” Chitoiu said.

He added efforts to ease tax payment have materialized in an increased number of online applications, but said that still only 2% of taxpayers use the internet to submit fiscal statements.