Romanian Leftist Head To Become National Defense Council VP – Sources

Publicat: 11 12. 2008, 13:37
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:09

Aside from obtaining the presidency of the Senate, PSD leader Geoana also managed to obtain the amendment of the law governing the High Council for National Defense, in the sense that the Senate chairman automatically becomes the vice-president of the defense council, namely "the second in command at CSAT," the mentioned sources said.

The sources said Geoana will become Senate chairman, thus reaching the position of "second in command of the state."
The current law governing the national defense council states that the head of state acts as president of the council, while the council vice-presidency goes to the Prime Minister.
According to the mentioned sources, Geoana wants the council to function in the same manner it did when social democrat Nicolae Vacaroiu was prime minister.
Thus, Geoana wanted to secure this position within the council because this way he could obtain intelligence on the activities of ministers.
The sources said that, from such a position, Geoana can block council decisions, because these decisions are made by consensus.