The 18 projects will put over 23,000 square meters of medical services at patients’ disposal. Regina Maria has opened three new units, since the beginning of 2017, in capital Bucharest: the Victoria Policlinic, the Central Laboratory and the Perla Policlinic.
Overall, the Regina Maria private medical network invested over EUR70 million in developing the national medical system. The amount includes modernizations and expansions of existing units, the provision of state-of-the-art medical devices and equipment and the opening of new units.
Regina Maria currently has 37 own units, more than two million patients and over 400,000 corporate subscribers and plans to expand its network and double the number of units and patients.
Regina Maria has over 3,500 employees, of whom 1,700 are doctors. In 2016, the company created 700 new jobs and plans to increase staff numbers by nearly 15% in 2017, depending on its planned expansions.