MJ: The draft law for SIIJ dissolution will be published on Tuesday. Later, it will be sent to CSM

On the website of the Ministry of Justice the draft Law for dissolution of the Section for the Investigation of Offences in the Justice System (SIIJ) will be published on Tuesday and afterwards the document will be submitted to the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), for the approval procedure.


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The draft law for SIIJ dissolution will be published on Tuesday

"The project has been elaborated and is promoted by the Ministry of Justice in the framework of the governance program of the PNL Orban Government and the Memorandum of 27 December 27, 2019, adopted by it", announces the Ministry of Justice.

According to the cited source, the project provides as the main legislative solutions the SIIJ dissolution, the return of the public prosecution offices to the legal competences existing before the establishment of the section, as well as solid procedural guarantees for protecting the independence of the magistrates against any judicial errors or eventual abuses.

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