Mobile Operator Orange Launches Apple’s iPhone 4 In Romania Friday

Romania’s largest mobile operator, Orange, launches Apple’s iPhone 4 in Romania Friday, which will be available both online and in selected stores, the operator said Thursday.


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Mobile Operator Orange Launches Apple’s iPhone 4 In Romania Friday

The iPhone 4 comes enables video calling with FaceTime and comes with a high-resolution display, HD video recording, a 5-megapixel camera, Apple A4 processor and more, Orange Romania said in a press release.

iPhone 4 comes with the iOS4 operating system, which includes over 100 new features.

A subscription-free iPhone 4 will sell for 4,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2687), VAT included.

Launched in 2007, the iPhone quickly became a standard for the smartphone industry and all large producers struggled to keep up with Apple's smartphone.

On June 8, Apple launched its fourth iPhone model, which it is trying to introduce quickly in as many markets as possible, unlike previous models, and strengthen its leading position on the smartphone market.

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