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Doru Tulus Reinstated Head of Division Within Romania’s Anticorruption Dept

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday signed the decree reinstating prosecutor Doru Tulus as head of Division II with the National Anticorruption Department (DNA), after the High Council of Magistrates (CSM) previously approved the proposal in this respect of justice minister Catalin Predoiu.
Doru Tulus Reinstated Head of Division Within Romania’s Anticorruption Dept
30 iun. 2009, 09:11, English

Basescu also signed Monday the decrees appointing Carmen Galca and Laura Oprean as deputy chief prosecutors with DNA.
Furthermore, the head of state signed the decree appointing prosecutor Alexandru Ion as chief military prosecutor with the Division fighting military corruption, also part of DNA.
On June 25, Predoiu forwarded to CSM four proposals to appoint or reinstate in high positions several prosecutors within DNA, among whom Tulus who, according to Predoiu, managed to stand out "due to his ability to tolerate stress."
On June 25, the prosecution division of CSM unanimously approved the decision to reinstate Tulus, Galca and Alexandru. Predoiu’s proposal targeting Oprean was also approved, yet it also received a negative vote.