Romanian Auth To Decide In Sept On New Nuclear Pwr Plant’s Location – Econ Min

Publicat: 07 04. 2009, 18:31
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:18

"We want to start the project sooner than 2020," Videanu said, referring to the second nuclear power plant that is about to be build in Romania.
Last year, the Romanian authorities announced their intention to build a new nuclear power plant, with two to four reactors.
Romania currently has a sole nuclear power plant at Cernavoda, that functions with two nukes of 700 megawatts power each, which provide around 18% of Romania’s power needs.
The authorities plan to build another two nukes at Cernavoda, which are scheduled to become operational by 2015-2016.
EnergoNuclear is a joint-venture company made up of Romanian state-owned nuclear energy company Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Cernavoda nuclear power plant, Czech CEZ, Italy’s Enel, Germany’s RWE, UK-based Arcelor Mittal’s Romanian unit, Electrabel (part of Belgian-French group GDF Suez) and Spain’s Iberdrola, to build nuclear reactors 3 and 4.
Romania, through Nuclearelectrica, will own a 51% stake in EnergoNuclear, while CEZ, Electrabel, RWE and Enel each have a 9.15% stake and Iberdrola and Arcelor Mittal Romanian have each a 6.2% stake.
Initially, the project at Cernavoda was estimated at EUR2.2 billion, but was afterwards recalculated by the Romanian authorities to EUR4 billion.