Automated Check-In Process At Romanian Airport Otopeni Was Resumed

Publicat: 07 10. 2009, 19:23
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:31

Iordache said no flight registered significant delays as, at the moment the dysfunction took place, the traffic was not intense.

The automated check-in process at the Romanian Airport Otopeni functioned manually for a few hours as the international aeronautic telecommunication system was affected by some problems with the fiber optic used by the system, Iordache said Wednesday.

Iordache said the system was not working as somewhere in the country there were some problems with the fiber optic, adding the exact location of the problem had not been identified.

Iordache added the activity at the airport was not affected, and the only issue faced by the airline companies was that they had to make check-ins manually and passengers had to wait in line longer.