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Half Of Romanians Unhappy With Education Sys – Poll

Half of Romanians are unhappy with the country’s education system, about 40% are neutral and only 13% said they are satisfied with the way things are, according to a poll conducted by market research company GfK Romania.
Half Of Romanians Unhappy With Education Sys - Poll
08 oct. 2009, 16:16, English

Romanians’ views on today’s education system are more negative than on the country’s education system 15 years ago, and 58% of respondents said they see a worsening in the system.

People who went to university are more critical to the education system and 74% said they think today’s system is of a lower quality than in the past. On the other hand, pupils and students are OK with the system, as only 24% said they are unhappy and the rest were neutral.

The most severe critics of the Romanian education system were people in the 45-64 age group, who were schooled in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s.

The poll inquired about factors such as the number of subjects studied, school hours, homework, textbooks, number of exams, student evaluations, teachers’ training and motivation, teaching systems and usefulness of knowledge acquired in school.

Over 50% of respondents said teachers are well trained and 49% said teachers are motivated to get students to learn.

A third of respondents said students learn things in school that will be useful in their future careers. Over 30% of respondents said the schooling system encourages learning by heart.

Nearly three quarters of Romanians consider Romanian language and literature, math and a foreign language are the most important subjects in the school curriculum, followed by history and geography.

The poll was conducted in September on a sample of one thousand people over 15.