EC Brings Romania To ECJ Over Failed Wild Bird Protection Measures

Publicat: 08 10. 2009, 15:01
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:31

According to a press release issued by the European Commission, „over one million hectares initially penciled in for protection have still not received the legal designation they require. As warning letters have not had the desired effect, the Commission has decided to take even stronger measures and bring the country to court.”

The EC notes that in Romania there are 12 species considered endangered on an international level.

„When Romania joined the Union in 2007, it was obliged to designate a number of areas to protect birds, but the legislative process has been slow, and although some progress has been made, Romania has still not delivered on a number of commitments regarding nature conservation,” the EC writes.

Romanian interim Environment Minister Elena Udrea announced Tuesday that Romania is being sued at the European Court of Justice for breaches of the accession treaty referring to the management of protected natural areas.

Udrea said, in the first press conference held as interim environment minister, that Romania and the EC „have gotten past mailing” and a trial is pending.

The dignitary added issues on this topic will be solved once the draft law reorganizing public administration institutions „gets past the Constitutional Court”, when the ministry will be able to create a division that would handle this specific matter.

Udrea added the National Agency for Protected Areas, founded more than two years ago and which is disbanded through the reorganization law, „has never functioned”.