Romania’s Anticorruption Strategy Sets Evaluation Indicators Of Measures Preventing Corruption
The draft anticorruption strategy, which incorporates the EU’s priorities: recovering the proceeds of crime, protecting whistleblowers, preventing and fighting political corruption, was put up for public debate on Tuesday.
Through the use of preventive measures and associated evaluation indicators, the strategy proposes running regular self-evaluations in every institution on the efficiency of anticorruption measures.
Self-evaluation will entail measures such as declaring wealth and presents, conflict of interest management, incompatibility, the deontological code, transparency in decision making, access to public interest information, managing public funds, public procurement, an aleatory distribution of duties, staff selection and promotion procedures.
Self-evaluation will be joined by themed evaluation missions carried out by mixed teams, comprising experts from various institutions and public agencies, or non-government organizations.
Regarding wealth statements, the draft strategy sets as evaluation indicators the number of people obliged to submit wealth statements, the number of people who failed to submit their wealth statement in due time, the number of notifications issued by the National Anticorruption Department (ANI) and the decisions applied, as well as the number of consultations offered by integrity advisers.
Regarding code of conduct breaches by high officials, public servants and contractual staff tasked with protecting the financial interests of the European Union, evaluation indicators consider the number of norm-violation notifications, the norms that were breached and the administrative measures adopted to solve problems.